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What are Demons?

In addition to Satan, there are also a multitude of demons.

Demons are "persons without bodies."

There are differing viewpoints as to the origin of these demons. The most credible explanation, in my view, is that these are simply fallen angels as explained in Revelation 12.

In any case, these demons, under Satan’s control, constitute an organized evil spiritual army which seeks to harm or destroy every Christian (Ephesians 6:10-18). Demons can also afflict non-believers.

Demonic activity can directly cause physical health problems, such as seizures (e.g. Matthew 17:14-21). However, the battleground is primarily in the mind. Satan seeks to get us to engage in sinful thinking which will harm us even if it does not result in sinful behavior. For example, the sin of unforgiveness is often associated with anxiety, depression and a variety of painful physical ailments (Matthew 18:21-35).

Demonic affliction can result in severe mental health issues. More than one can inhabit an individual. When these demons are cast out, the results can be dramatic. Example: Mark 5:1-20.

Christians do have the ability to overcome demonic attacks: "He who is in you (God) is greater than he who is in the world (1 John 4:4 NKJV)." You accomplish this by knowing and applying the Word of God.

Demons do have a personality. For example, demons are recorded as begging Jesus for mercy in Mark 5:12. This becomes evident to every Christian counselor who works with individuals having "hallucinations."

Demons are not the same. Some are capable of more evil than others (Matthew 12:43-45). This is another core concept necessary to understand mental illness.

Demons harass Christians in a variety of ways. However, they can't really do much damage to Christians who understand what is going on unless they first get a spiritual foothold. See the next topic.

Next topic: What is a Spiritual Foothold/Stronghold?

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Scripture quotations marked "NKJV™" are taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.