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"The entrance of thy words giveth light (Psalm 119:130)."

Helping Children Cope.

This article will focus on helping small children deal with spiritual warfare. It is also useful for teenagers and adults whose intellectual capabilities have been compromised due to dementia, head trauma, drug abuse or the side effects of psychotropic medication.

When helping those whose intellectual abilities are limited, it is critical to make biblical imperatives clear and simple. Providing unnecessary information is counter productive. Since they already trust you, just provide what they need.

Here's an example of a list of items you can give to someone who is suffering due to anger, anxiety, depression and/or mania. I'd write it down on a 4" x 6" card.

Title: How to Get Better.

  • Forgive everyone from your heart.
  • "Love your enemies (Matthew 5:44)."
  • Pray for your enemies (Matthew 5:44).
  • Honor your mom and dad (Ephesians 6:1-3).
  • Say "Lord, I trust you" when you are afraid.
  • Say "Lord, I'm sorry" every time you sin.
  • Stay busy. Help your mom and dad.
  • Read the Bible every morning.
  • Pray every day.
  • Think about good things.
  • Have some fun.

As you can see, this list makes applying biblical principles really simple. This makes it possible for those with limited intellectual capabilities to do what they need to do without becoming confused with unnecessary complexity.

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