The Mental Health Solution . com
"The entrance of thy words giveth light (Psalm 119:130)."

Read the Bible

Read the Bible—every day. For the rest of your life.

There is no substitute for reading the Bible. Not listening to a sermon, reading Christian literature, not studying this website.

Read a full chapter of the Bible every day. If you're feeling really resistant, just read a short Psalm (e.g. Psalm 1). This is the best way to get into the habit of daily Bible reading.

If you don't read the Bible every day, you will not get better.

If you stop reading the Bible, you will fail—no matter how well you're doing now.


Note for parents: If you're a parent, your children should also be reading the Bible. If they're too young to read the Bible, the Bible should be read to them.

If your family does not read the Bible, every day, things will not improve.

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