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"The entrance of thy words giveth light (Psalm 119:130)."

Confronting Evil

The following is excerpted from the book Overcomer by Dr. David Jeremiah.1

"Whether we've planned for them or not, times of trial will come. And when they do, we must decide how to respond.

For the Christian, no response is not an option. Clearly, we cannot ignore, accept, or be passive in the face of evil. In Ephesians 6 Paul made it clear we're to take action against evil by standing—an active verb. We're to equip ourselves with the armor of God to stand against evil so we can overcome it.

It's also clear that we're not to seek vengeance. But what, then, are we supposed to do?

One of the best, and shortest, philosophies for living I know of is this: 'Do the next right thing.'

I opened the chapter with the story of a woman of remarkable courage who spoke up against abuse. When others with more power and influence ignored and covered up evil, she stepped forward and called it out. How did she find the strength to do that?

She found it through her deep faith. Rachel Downheartedness compared the 'good things in the sight of all men' that Paul referred to (Romans 12:17)—what she called the 'straight line' in her statement—to the 'crooked line' of evil. What was being done was contrary to what she knew to be right and good, so she did the next right thing. She took a stand.

Evil can be difficult to expose. In fact, the enemy often makes it that way. We may not be able to fully explain what's occurring, or define exactly what we need. But while our spiritual armor gives us resilience and strength to stand against the obvious enemies, it also gives us what we need to stand against the confusing and subtle enemies—such as the person we trusted who betrays us, or the deliberate inaction of others in the face of evil.

As an Overcomer, we must put our trust in Christ. When in doubt, ask Him for help. Ask Him, through the Holy Spirit, to show you how to do 'the next right (good) thing.' Trust God that doing one right thing—one good thing after another—will overcome any wrong thing, any evil thing, in your path."1

1 Pages 101-102.

Cross in the Polish  countryside.

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