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Gum InfectionsI used to get gum infections on a fairly regular basis. I remember the redness and how sore my gums used to feel. I almost never have this problem today: I learned how to prevent gum infections a long time ago. It's really quite simple: Just pour hydrogen peroxide on your toothbrush before you brush (before putting on toothpaste) and again just before you put the toothbrush away. Hydrogen peroxide is an antiseptic. It works like a charm! Hydrogen Peroxide can be purchased at any pharmacy. That's all there is to it! This is no substitute for basic dental hygiene: You still need to brush your teeth at least twice a day (I brush after breakfast and dinner). You still need to floss your teeth every day. I floss every night after dinner. Flossing is also essential to preventing and healing gum infections. And you still need to change that toothbrush from time to time! Be sure to see a dentist at least once a year. This will go a long way toward maintaining your dental health—and preventing unnecessary pain. Finally, if you have a gum infection, call your dentist. Find out if you need to come in. Gum infections can become serious if not treated promptly. Note: I am not a dentist. Discuss your individual situation with your dentist before making any changes. |
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