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"The entrance of thy words giveth light (Psalm 119:130)."

How to Succeed at Work

Job success basics.

First: You do have to submit to those in authority both in terms of what work you do and how you are to do it. Even if you're smarter than your boss.

Second: You need to show respect for others, both your boss as well as your co-workers.

Third: You do not need to accept abuse. It's important to be assertive with both your co-workers and your boss. Accepting abuse results in spiritual footholds which result in negative emotions.

Helpful affirmation: I am strong in the Lord. {Ephesians 6:10}

"If you are afraid of people, it will trap you. But if you trust in the Lord, he will keep you safe." {Proverbs 29:25 NIRV}

Dealing with anger issues is discussed in the following:

For an example of what not to do on the job, read the article entitled Assertiveness Story.

Of course, there are times when you need to just let things go.

Fourth: Resolve not to be afraid of the boss. Don't be afraid of being fired. These will trap you. But always have a contingency plan in case you're let go for any reason.

Saving money, of course, is a necessary part of your contingency plan.

Fifth: Seek out wise counsel when problems on the job arise.

"Plans fail for lack of counsel, but with many advisers they succeed." {Proverbs 15:22 NIV}

Sixth: Avoid lying and deception. These will sabotage your Christian life, your Christian witness and your prospects for job success.

You shouldn't lie, even if your boss tells you to.

Seventh: Involve God in the process. Always be sensitive to His guidance. And, of course, anything He makes 100% clear, do.

Eighth: Don't set yourself up for failure. Refer to my article entitled How to Find a Job/Career in regard to job selection basics.

Finally: Be sure you're praying, and reading a chapter of the Bible, every day. Trust God & obey God. This is essential.

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