The Mental Health Solution . com
"The entrance of thy words giveth light (Psalm 119:130)."


Depression can be described as feeling sad, blue, unhappy, miserable, or down in the dumps. Most people feel that way, at one time or another, for short periods of time. But depression that involves feelings of sadness, loss, anger and/or frustration that interfere with everyday life, for an extended period of time, is more problematic.

If you're wondering if what you have is depression—or how severe your depression is—I suggest using the Burns Depression Checklist. You can easily find this checklist by doing an Internet search. This is the best depression test available.

In order to overcome your depression, using Scripture, it is necessary to first get saved.

Sometimes, people who are unsaved do get through depression without being saved. Usually, these are people who have a history of good mental health who have gone through a traumatic circumstance. However, the best way to deal with depression is with the help of God and utilizing the counsel of His word.

It is suggested that you first read the following articles before continuing:

This article is built on information presented in these articles. Essential information is presented in these articles that is not repeated in this article.

There are medical and purely psychological causes of depression. They should be taken into account before considering spiritual issues. Thus, they will be considered first.

If you're experiencing recurring depression, it's a good idea to get a medical evaluation from a licensed physician to rule out legitimate medical causation. There are medical conditions that do cause depression. Usually, however, this is not the case.

Also, have your doctor evaluate any current exposure you may have to environmental toxins.

Both illegal drugs and a number of prescription drugs can cause depression. If this is a concern for you, do a Google search. Example: 'prescription drugs that cause depression.'

Mental health conditions caused by prescribed psychotropic drugs are especially common and concerning.

An example follows.

I had a young boy, brought to me by his mother, with no abuse history, who nonetheless was depressed and wanted to die. It became clear to me that the boy's depression was caused by his prescribed psychotropic drugs. He needed to be off the drugs.

I made my views clear to the mother without saying so directly. I had still taken a risk.

Getting a psychiatrist to discontinue all drugs is about as likely as winning the lottery. Usually, they will simply change the medication.

If your doctor is unable to find a medical reason for your depression, he will tell you that you have a "chemical imbalance" and prescribe psychotropic drugs. Usually, taking these drugs is a really bad idea.

There are definite changes in brain chemistry associated with depression. However, these changes are themselves the result of negative thinking and/or of demons exercising a Spiritual Foothold. Medical science does not believe in the existence of demons and does not understand spiritual warfare.

It is usually impossible to make any real progress while taking psychotropic medication for depression. Antidepressants, when they work, eliminate the consequences of negative thinking and maladaptive behaviors. They also tend to reduce mental acuity and produce lethargy. You cannot learn to control your thinking and become proficient in spiritual warfare while you are on them.

Now, back to medical and psychological causes of depression.

Childbirth: "Most new moms experience postpartum 'baby blues' after childbirth, which commonly include mood swings, crying spells, anxiety and difficulty sleeping. Baby blues typically begin within the first two to three days after delivery, and may last for up to two weeks."1 Postpartum Depression is more serious and should be reported to your doctor to ensure that a legitimate medical issue is not involved. Risk factors for Postpartum Depression are much the same as for regular depression. This information is available on the internet.

Menopause: Menopause is also associated with depression in some women, even in those with no prior history of depression. Hormonal fluctuations may play a role. Discuss the issue with your doctor.

Seasonal Affective Disorder: "Sitting in front of a special lamp during the darkest months of the year is a proven treatment for seasonal affective disorder. The sessions should last between 20 and 60 minutes and be done consistently to work best. And at least initially, it should be done under the guidance of an experienced professional. Light therapy may also help with depression and bipolar disorder."2 The Mayo Clinic has more information on this topic.

Overwork: When the amount of work responsibilities taken on is extreme and there is insufficient time for rest, relaxation and recreation, this can lead to crippling depression that takes time to overcome. This is true even if you love the work that you do. Lifestyle changes are essential. Also, the short-term use of psychotropic medication (i.e. 6-9 months) may be appropriate in such cases to reduce the amount of time in which you are unable to work.

Bereavement: Feeling depressed is the natural reaction to any major loss. This loss may be the loss of a loved one, the loss of a job, the loss of your business, the loss or a dream etc. This grieving process is healthy and, in time, these feelings will subside—though the amount of pain you feel will be variable in the interim. This is the only type of depression that is healthy —and you need to experience it to get through it. It has nothing to do with the devil.

If you take psychotropic drugs for depression caused by bereavement—generally a terrible idea—you are simply delaying experiencing the bereavement. As soon as you get off the drug(s), the depression will return.

It's a good idea to take the aforementioned issues into account when evaluating your depression.

Most depression, however, is the combined result of three related factors: 1) Negative thinking. 2) Maladaptive behaviors. 3) Spiritual Warfare.

Negative thinking and maladaptive behaviors were addressed in my articles on Stress Management, Anger Management and Anxiety. Be sure to review these articles.

Now, Spiritual Warfare. Anything other than mild depression likely involves a Spiritual Foothold.

There are three salient categories of issues that result in spiritual footholds that cause depression. They follow.

First, anger. Unforgiveness is the most common cause of depression. Satan gains a foothold as a result of the sin of unforgiveness. This foothold allows demons to torture us in a number of ways, especially anxiety and depression (Matthew 18:35).

Unforgiveness has been discussed, at length, on other articles on this website. I refer you to my articles on Anger Management, How to Forgive and Getting Rid of Anger.

Second, fear and worrying. The Bible is clear on this point: "Anxiety in the heart of man causes depression, But a good word makes it glad (Proverbs 12:25 NKJV)." Fear and worrying can cause both anxiety and depression.

Anxiety and depression go together. And both are caused by the same spiritual footholds. The difference is in the strength of the foothold.

More severe anger and hatred cause both depression and anxiety (In individuals genetically susceptible to both disorders). Lesser anger generally causes just anxiety.

More severe fears and greater worrying causes depression as well as anxiety. Lesser fears and lesser amounts of worrying cause only stress and anxiety.

In regard to issues of fear and worrying, it is recommended that you read the article entitled Dealing With Fear.

Third: related issues that can cause depression. Recommended articles:

Also, use Scripture to counter other issues related to fear and anger. I once had a church member come forward for prayer because she was struggling with jealousy. The following Scripture is instructive:

"But I say to you, love your enemies, bless those who curse you, do good to those who hate you, and pray for those who spitefully use you and persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven; for He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and on the unjust." {Matthew 5:44-45 NKJV}

I told her to pray for the person she was jealous of.

Fourth: Persisting in sin can result in both anxiety and depression:

"All of us growl like bears, And moan sadly like doves . . ." {Isaiah 59:11 NASB}

You might want to review Isaiah 59:1-13.

When we choose to rebel against God, there will always be consequences, sooner or later.

More information on the concept of divine discipline is available in the article entitled God and Discipline.

Fifth: Recognize that there are atypical cases. Two examples follow:

First: Internationally renowned speaker Derek Prince stated that he found deliverance from his long-standing depression as a result of two bible verses:

Two things were needed to break free of his depression:

  • A demon, which he referred to as a 'spirit of heaviness,' did need to be cast out. He prayed, in Jesus' name, for deliverance and could tell, immediately, that his prayer had been answered.
  • He needed to get rid of his habitual negative thought process and substitute a positive, biblical perspective. This "garment of praise" was also necessary to prevent the depression from returning.

If this seems applicable to your situation, do this internet search: "Derek Prince, depression."

Second: A church counselor told me this story: A man with no history of depression would tell his fellow Christians to "just get over it" when they told him they were struggling with depression. Then, for no apparent reason, this man began to suffer with depression which lasted for years. Later, "the depression disappeared as quickly as it came." This is rare, but it does occur and illustrates God's sovereignty.

Sixth: Recognize that the behavior associated with depression does vary. Some people, with depression, are gloomy and withdraw from others. Others are aggressive and lash out. And children and teenagers may manifest depression differently than adults.

You can do an internet search: depression symptoms in (fill in blank).

Seventh: Some additional suggestions for dealing with depression follow:

Watch your attitude. Dr. Tim LaHaye stated: "Unless individuals are willing to face the fact that their mental attitude toward the circumstances, not the circumstances, causes their unhappiness and depression, they are, in my opinion, incurable."3

Of course, take steps to improve your circumstances when you can.

Don't spend too much time trying to figure out how to solve your depression problem. While you're depressed, avoid spending any time at all—this will only make the depression worse.

Don't do any hazardous activities while you are depressed, including lifting heavy objects. Depression makes injuries much more likely.

Socialize with those who know about your depression and who are supportive. This will help because conversation forces you to stop thinking about negatives, consciously and subconsciously.

Socializing with those who don't know you—while depressed—is usually a really bad idea. People often react negatively to those who are depressed—usually because they misinterpret your behavior. If you're depressed, and go to church, take someone with you. Otherwise, consider attending church online.

If you do go to church alone, while depressed, make a particular effort not to avoid anyone—no matter how anxious or depressed you are. Otherwise, you will develop big problems very quickly.

Don't beat yourself up for being depressed. This will only give power to the devil. And make your depression worse.

View self-condemnation as any other spiritual attack. Resist the devil—don't help him.

You can resist the devil by reciting Scripture or by simply correcting the thought: "I am not (fill in blank)." This has been discussed, in detail, in other recommended articles.

Don't tolerate self-pity. This also gives power to the devil. Self-pity is a sin because the Bible says to "give thanks in all circumstances (1 Thessalonians 5:18 NIV)."

Don't entertain thoughts of suicide. Doing so is also a sin (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) and will make things much worse.

Confess your sins to God whenever you become aware of them. Unconfessed sin can lead to depression (Psalm 32:1-5). This includes, but is not limited to, sins in regard to unforgiveness. And always make an effort to be obedient.

Break big tasks into small ones. Set small goals. Try to stay busy and accomplish things. Pay bills right away.

Don't make important decisions while you are depressed. You will make unnecessary mistakes. If you have to make an important decision, while depressed, seek out wise counsel first.

Do whatever you can to remove or minimize stressors. Try to solve problems as soon as possible.

Exercise daily and eat a healthy diet. Improving your health will reduce your depression to some extent.

Always have realistic goals that you are trying to achieve. Goals are necessary for good mental health. Anything positive that you accomplish will improve your mood.

Trying to achieve unrealistic goals is self-defeating. And this will make your depression worse.

Try to put your hope in the things of God—and not be overly troubled by your circumstances here on earth. The Bible states: "Why are you in despair, O my soul? And why have you become disturbed within me? Hope in God, for I shall again praise him For the help of His presence (Psalm 42:5 NASB)."

Besides, God will enable you to break free of your depression, in time, if you continue to try and don't give up.

Do what is necessary to stop continuing abuse. This may involve setting boundaries, assertiveness, making changes or getting out of an abusive situation. This is essential.

Expressing your feelings, when appropriate, is important. Practice trusting God and standing up to other people. Just do the best that you can. This will become much easier once the depression is gone.

Success in overcoming depression also comes one thought at a time: forgiving instead of hating, trusting God instead of worrying and, especially, keeping your mind off of negatives.

You do not have the power to overcome the depression, directly, as an act of your will. No one does. However, you can avoid entertaining the thoughts that lead to depression. Every time you are successful in resisting the devil, you are making progress.

Have a clear idea as to what is causing your depression. Make full use of the relevant articles on this website.

Seek out wise and caring Christian counsel, when available. But be careful who you talk to—even at church. Some Christians will react negatively to anyone experiencing mental health issues.

Force yourself to pray—and read a chapter of the Bible—every day. This is essential for progress to occur.

Read the article on psychotropic drugs for guidance on the issue of taking medication.

Finally, we are in a war with Satan. Nobody can win every battle. It is especially recommended that you also read the following:


2 Consumer Reports. November 2018. Page 41.

3 LaHaye,Tim, How to Win Over Depression, (Grand Rapids: Zondervan, 1974) 19.

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